Sora (Ninjago)

Sora is a character from Ninjago: Dragons Rising and it can be argued that she has some trans subtext about her. Firstly, getting the most obvious and least convincing bit out of the way, her clothes are pink, white, and blue. Now that that's out of the way, it's time to move onto the parts of her story that have a bit of a trans vibe. Actually firstly, 'Sora' is not her given name; it is her chosen name. Also, this fact is something she is reluctant to disclose. Given this information, it could be said that Sora has a deadname. There's even a moment where someone who knew this tried to use it against her, saying "Maybe you don't know your friend as well as you thought.". Along with that, it is shown in flashbacks that Sora was essentially disowned by her parents for not being who they, and the society at large, expected her to be.

This page may be updated as the series continues, as Ninjago: Dragons Rising is still only in its first season at the time of writing this.

My Ramblings
I Need To Explain Why Characters Are Queer