Glossary and Pronunciation Guide

Alacoom (Ah-la-coom) -- Noopaisreemee name that means 'star' or, more literally, 'little gemstone'.

Bwaino (Bwai-no) -- Panomee name that means 'victory'

Eema-alpa (Ee-ma al-pa) -- Means 'moving tree' in Panomee. It is a type of creature from Panopamakasooi folklore. It is a creature that looks like a tree, but moves. They are known to be quite territorial.

Ez-Nuhla (Ez-nuh-la) -- A country west of Ganeenoko and Panopamaka.

Ganeenoko (Gan-ee-no-ko) -- Country directly south of Panopamaka. Also where most of Kaljwa's story takes place

Ganomee (Gan-oh-mee) -- The most common language spoken in Ganeenoko.

Gawnswa (Gown-swa) -- Ganomee name meaning 'first born'

Iaijnoko Gawwaba (Yaij-no-ko Gow-wa-ba) -- The mountain range that separates Ganeenoko and Panopamaka.

Iaijnoko Gkim (Yaij-no-ko G-kim) -- Translates to 'bent mountain'. It is a small village in Ganeenoko, just a few miles from the base of an oddly-formed mountain.

Jaboo-Alwa (Ja-boo Al-wa) -- Means 'moon-lake' in Panomee

Kaljwa (Kal-jwah) -- A Ganomee name that means 'gift of light'.

Latonuh (La-toh-nuh) -- An Aijez-Nuhla word meaning 'alone'

Loii Swaflo-iils (loh-ee swa-floh-eels) -- The capitol city of Ganeenoko. It means 'home of the first human'.

Manone (Mah-nohn) -- The Ganomee term for a transgender person. The literal translation is 'crosser'.

Nawneebahg (Naw-nee-bah-g) -- The Ganomee word for 'northerner'

Nomoba (No-mo-ba) -- Means 'nature' in Ganomee.

Noopaisree (Noo-pai-sree) -- An island off the eastern coast.

Noopaisreemee (Noo-pai-sree-mee) -- The Ganomee word for the language spoken in Noopaisree

Nwagwai (Nwag-why) -- A Ganomee name that means 'like the night'.

Oopaj (Oop-ahj) -- Ganomee for 'owl'

Panomee (Pan-oh-mee) -- The Ganomee word for the most common language in Panopamaka.

Panomva (Pa-nohm-va) -- A constellation that can be seen all year round from Ganeenoko. It is shaped like an eye. Means 'watcher' in Ganomee

Panopamaka (Pan-oh-pa-maka) -- The country directly north of Ganeenoko.

Siookha (Sih-oo-kha) -- A werewolf name that means 'helper'

-sooi (Soo-ih) -- Ganomee suffix meaning 'from'.
