There's This Specific Kind of Character That I Really Like

And it's characters who were raised by individuals from a different species. I can only think of two examples of this, but I'm not normal about either of them.

The first example is Faolan from Wolves of the Beyond. Wolves of the Beyond is a book series that I first read as a child, and Faolan is the main character. Faolan is a wolf who was raised by a bear. As a result, he doesn't quite fit in to either category. While he may be physically a wolf, he is culturally a bear. After he rejoins wolf society, he finds wolf culture to be strange and confusing, and the other wolves find him strange and confusing.

The second example is Wyldfyre from Ninjago: Dragons Rising. She is a human who was raised by dragons and so she's a dragon on all levels except physical. She prefers the company of dragons, can speak the dragon language, chooses to sleep in the dragon stables, and occasionally moves around on all fours.

I'm not certain why I can't seem to be normal about these characters. Perhaps it's because I'm autistic and have always felt like I belonged to a different world from that of my peers. Perhaps it's because I'm a therian. Maybe it's both, or maybe it's a secret third thing. Who knows?

My Thoughts